Heartfelt Interest
Since 2007, I have been working with a group that generally goes unrecognised and in which I have a strong, heartfelt interest, namely the gifted. My own experience, drawn from the family in which I grew up, means that I am intimately familiar with both the very positive and the very negative aspects that can possibly be associated with giftedness.
My background is in Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences and I graduated as an engineer with a Masters of Science degree from the Eindhoven University of Technology in 1998. My first job was in the business services sector (consultancy and IT). After a few years, I realised that coaching my staff and seeing the personal development that resulted from it gave me the most satisfaction and so I took a course in coaching at the “School voor Coaching”. As an engineer, I hold a sytems view: you, your environment and the interaction inbetween.
Gifted Adults
I started my own coaching practice, working from my home in Eindhoven, in 2004. It is here that I have been working primarily with highly, exceptionally and profoundly gifted adults, since 2007.
Up until February 2016, I continued to work for Feniks Talent B.V., in Utrecht, for one day a week. Here I supported gifted adolescent and young adult dropouts. The growth of my own practice meant that I was no longer able to combine the two, so I now focus fully on gifted adults at Woltring Coaching.
Most of them are executives, professionals or academics, generally over 40: rational thinkers with an underdeveloped emotional life. Sensitive and creative souls, looking to reconnect with themselves, their loved ones, and their leadership team to finally start living a life created from meaning.